45349 Students

Pedagogy is a performance management tool for education professionals.

  • Conducted 1975 workshops
  • Clocked 18395 hours of training
  • Consultative training for 882 satisfied companies
  • A task force of 58 emphathetic instructors

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Total Hours Total Students
Handoyo Sjarif 1563 3719
David Tahi Ulubalang 828 2047
Samuel 909 2018
Ajeng Prastiwi 777 1870
Dyah Nurlita 765 1805
Dwi Gustin Nurdialit 682 1715
Victor Nugraha Putera 663 1641
Ahmad Husain Abdullah 722 1557
Inayatus Sholikhah 596 1552
Mentoring 371 1385
Wulan Andriyani Pangestu 546 1352
Nabiilah Ardini Fauziyyah 501 1262
Tiara Dwiputri 586 1251
Yaumir Sitta Achir 511 1207
Kevin Wibowo 459 1137
Fafilia Masrofin 495 1123
Hamam Wulan Ayu 489 1104
Rany Dwi Cahyaningtyas 348 1048
Tanesya Tresna 394 980
Irfan Chairur Rachman 357 902

Hours by Category

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